AMAZON CLOUD DATABASE SERVICE - Basic concept of Amazon DynamoDB

Basic concept of  Amazon DynamoDB 

         DynamoDB is the first non relational database which is developed at Amazon.

         Amazon DynamoDB data are stored in solid state drivers(SSD) and replicate it synchronously across multiple availability zones.

         DynamoDB is fully managed NOSQL database with high performance and scalability.

         Amazon DynamoDB offeres high availability,reliability, and incremental scalability, with no limits on dataset.

         It provides fast  and predictable performance with seamless scalability.

 Features of DynamoDB

        DynamoDB is accessible via simple web service APIs.

        Serve any level of traffic.

        Store and retrieve any amount of data.

        Pay for what you use.

Benifit of  DynamoDB

        fast,consistent performance

        Highly Scalable

        Fully managed

        Event Driven programming

        Fin-grained Acess control


        No Sql databse

        Fully managed

        Single digit millisecond latency

        massive and seamless scalabillity

        low cost

Data Model

        Table,Items and Attributes

        Table is collection of items.

        Items is collection of attributes(name-value pairs).

        Primary Key(Hash Key) required.   



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