My photography in my little garden

The best pic and my favourite picture ever..Today overall day was good . Looking for new ideas to make my blog more attractive and I am working on it..Soon web site design  will be changed and give you better experience ..This photo is taken on my Motorola phone . Model : motog3 . Motog3 smartphone camera is soo good for micro photography. Especially for nature photography..

I strongly believe that you don't need a DSLR camera to talk bettter photos. If you are a good photographer then you can take a good and epic pictures using your mobile camera.. so open you mobile camera go out side and take a pictures. World is so beautiful .Let's try to make capture all beautiful thing.

i am trying sell my first pic on internet let's see who will be the first one to buy this pic . The photo sell will be apper soon on blog .

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Hi, I am Anic an IT Professional . I like to share my knowledge and experience. Thanks for visiting my site.

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