What am i thinking today ?

Hi, this is me.. #anic .
Every one is attached to the most common electronic devices called "smart phone ."before a 1 week ago I travelling in to a bus . I see so many people are just using their smart phone .
Some college students chatting on whats app or hike or in the Facebook..
Now today instagram is so much popular, but it have some disadvantages its consume too much data(mb) while we using it become it's mainly focused on images .

So a human trying to leave a real life ..And trying to being a part of unreal and imaginary world  .A tinager watch his/her phone 128 time per day. So basically a new generation is technology additive...A small children now playing with smartphone ..

A smart phone aim is to.make human more smart but now days human is not smart as technology.technology becomes smart and improve every day every second..But human updated ? Or improved ? Not ..

Now I also my review that the smartphone and other electronic gadgets and internet convert a human to robot.todays some people have no feeling ..They all are feeling less.emotion less.and also a careless on their health.

If any accidents occurred then , everyone first capture the photos and posted one social media. But know buddy help injured person..Only rarely person helps some time. 92 ℅ people don't react .That's the fact ..

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