Mind Game 🎮

Mind Game:
Every question has 10 marks,
Pass marks 60.


Q.1. yeonkwr (a city)
Q.2. sirasu (a country)
Q.3. uelrbpm (profession)
Q.4. utegno (body part)
Q.5. egnlaefridsi (vegetable)
Q.6. aechhet (animal)
Q.7. epialnpep (fruit)
Q.8. Letbkslaba (sports)
Q.9. Coremusit (celebrity)
Q.10. Rtephoilce (vehicle)

You have only 1 day  and answer will be updated tomorrow at 9:15 pm .ur time starts Now.
One who answer

7-good, 8- very good, 9 excellent, 10 genius

Give answer in comments.


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