background music play in website

how to play background music , when your site opened ? this the core sorce code of background music play. i hope this is usefull . stay turned !! keep visiting



<title>project c1</title>







<body background="beautiful_japan_cg-1920x1200.jpg">

<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<td><img src="colorful_leaves-1920x1080.jpg" width="10%" height="80px"> <i><font color="#FFFFFF"><font size="+2" color="#FFFFFF"></font><br /> stay simple ,be faster .. </td> <!--1 ROW-->


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<td><center>music auto start when website open</center></td>


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<!--  note : replace the Pehli Mohabbat.mp3      and put the any .mp3 song from your computer -->

<td><embed src="Pehli Mohabbat.mp3" hidden="false" autostart="false" loop="false" volume="60" width="1550" height="600"/></td>


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<td> <font color="#CC6600">

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